
Angkasa Trans Jaya Express Bus

Angkasa Trans Jaya Express Bus - BusOnlineTicket

Express Bus between Blora and Denpasar

Angkasa Trans Jaya provides express bus service between Blora and Denpasar. Over the years, Angkasa Trans Jaya has built up the brand to provide a balance of excellent service, price, and quality for each coach service between Blora and Denpasar.

Angkasa Trans Jaya Bus Service

Angkasa Trans Jaya offers reliable transportation services with a comfortable fleet and professional drivers.

Angkasa Trans Jaya Office Address

Jl. Raya Wates, Wates, Kedensari, Kec. Tanggulangin, Kabupaten Sidoarjo, Jawa Timur 61272
Phone: 6282118464781

Book Angkasa Trans Jaya Bus Ticket Online

Check Angkasa Trans Jaya bus schedule and tickets availability at any time and from anywhere you want. offers the convenience of online ticket booking portal for Angkasa Trans Jaya bus and many other popular operators in Indonesia. Booking online is not only easy, you also get to save the time and cost of travelling to the terminal to book in advance. On top of that, our members get to enjoy the best Loyalty Program. So, start booking with today!

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